
Sarah and Abraham encourage non-Jews to become Jewish
[BLOGS.TIMESOFISRAEL] That's one of those nagging questions that I've always wanted to set aside two or three years just to think about: Jews control powerful governments by pulling the strings that make the politician-marionettes dance. They control all the big money in the world. They control Hollywood. They control the press. Is there anything they don't control?

Not to hear your run-of-the-mill anti-Semite tell it.

The preferred solution is to kill all the Jews.

But there's another available solution: You lose a bit of foreskin (most American males would require only the symbolic snip), learn a bit of Hebrew and/or Yiddish, and give up pork chops. Then you're in The Club. You, too, can conspire against all those faceless gentiles while controlling undreamed-of amounts of money, power, and opinion. At a relatively decent price you, too, can be expelled from Spain every five hundred years and then be invited back along with your millions, billions, maybe even trillions if you've been living in Zim-Bob-we. At the very least you could expect a Buick dealership!

Posted by: Fred 2015-06-20