
Woman Calls for Race War at Scene of Church Shooting
Sista Solove
expresses a theory that several African Americans in Charleston told us: that Roof "was sent" by white supremacists to do the shooting and to push black people out of town.

"He (alleged killer Roof) was sent. He was sent. The KKK ain't nothing but the police with badges now. That's all they are. They took their hoods off and they're police. It was an inside job."

"The white man is a terrorist to black people. Period, point blank. Because the Indians called yall blue eyed devils. Thats what yall are. [t]hese niggas need to off the AME and stop praying to white Jesus, because he ain't coming. Race war. Race war. Us against them."
Giving the attacker just what he wanted.
Posted by: OldSpook 2015-06-20