
Osama bin Laden has been captured in Pakistan?
The Profind pages latest news from Moscow 9/2/04
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We have received reports from US sources that Pakistani security forces have captured Osama bin Laden. According to these sources, bin Laden was captured not far from Chitral in the Northern part of Pakistan (between Chitral and Peshawar), approximately 4 weeks ago. This has not yet been confirmed, but we are told the information comes from a source that has provided reliable reports in the past. We received a report almost 2 weeks ago suggesting that two high level Al-Qaeda operatives were being held in Pakistan and it was believed that their capture was to be announced to coincide with the Republican convention. Whether one of these is Osama bin Laden is uncertain.
A little late now, isn't it?
According to the US sources, the capture of the "Big Fish" will not be officially announced until sometime next month, in what is sure to be "Headline" news throughout the world. If the information is correct, it will help bring some "closure" to the 9/11 terrorist attack and bring to justice the worlds most wanted terrorist. Osama bin Laden has not been seen for some time and there have been many reports of his death since the 9/11 attack, although recordings of his voice have been reported quite recently. Whilst his capture would certainly put and end to a long running hunt and mystery, it would also raise a few questions as to why this has not already been announced. Although the US government have played down bin Laden's present importance in Al-Qaeda, there can be no denying that he is still the man they have wanted to catch for almost 3 years. Hopefully, official confirmation on this will be available shortly, so that we can determine whether these are simply rumours or fact. We certainly hope the news is true, but we shall be keeping the champagne on ice for a little while longer, just in case.

Stayed tuned.
Posted by: GK 2004-09-03