
Nuggets from the Urdu press
12-ton Quran in Gujranwala
According to Jang, Haji Javed Iqbal Khokhar of Gujranwala was putting the finishing touches to a 9-ton Quran written on pages of steel. The stand on which this Quran will be placed is of 3 tons. In all 12 tons of steel will have been used for the preparation of this historically unique Quran for which the people of Gujranwala can be rightly proud.
"Mighty impressive, Haji, but tell me, how do we turn the pages to read it?"
"Don't be an infidel, Mahmoud, you're already supposed to have memorized it!"

General Zahid Ali Akbar's assets
According to Khabrain ex-WAPDA chief General (Retd) Zahid Ali Akbar was first investigated by NAB in 2002 for illegal accumulation of assets in the name of his wife and daughters. It was alleged that after his orders of removal from WAPDA had been received he gave out back-dated contracts of supply of meters to certain companies and received kickbacks. In the course of his job he stashed way Rs 6 billion (approximately $23.95) abroad. Recently DG NAB in Lahore froze the assets of his companies Heroes Academy (school), Designa Knitting and Unitas Construction, because he had absconded from Pakistan. His illegal assets in Pakistan amounted to 100 million rupees (approximately $91.68).

Misconduct in Shandur
According to Khabrain during the Shandur Mela in Northern Areas, Pakistani youths drank wine and smoked hash and then started harassing foreign tourists. No one could stop the youths because they came from powerful families. After some time the tourists ran away from the festival and pitched their tents near the mountain tops to escape the misconduct of the youths.

Are you Qadiani?
Writing in Khabrain, Azam Sultan Suhrawardi stated that Muslims of Pakistan hated the Ahmedis although the Quaid thought they were good Muslims. Pakistanis were in the habit of accusing people of being Qadianis when they hated them. In 1970 Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was accused of being one, after which he gave out an explanation. In 1983 General Zia was accused of being one and he replied saying that this was a mischief of JUI. In 1992 chief minister Manzur Wattoo was accused but later his explanation was published by Sipah Sahaba. In 1997 Asma Jehangir of the Human Rights Commission was accused of being Qadiani but later the newspaper stated that she was not Qadiani but that her husband was. In 2000 General Musharraf was accused too by some who took monetary help from the Sharif family. General Naseerullah Babar and caretaker prime minister Moin Qureshi too were accused of being Qadiani. The latest accusation had been made against finance minister Shaukat Aziz and against the new head of the Council for Islamic Ideology, Dr Khalid Masood, which was a blackmailing ruse.
"Give me R100 billion (approximately $84.78), Mahmoud, or I'll call you a Qadani!"
"No, please, no, anything but that! Um, do you take a check?"

America behind all trouble
Writing in Jang, Nazeer Naji wondered why Pakistan was getting ensnared in trouble in its tribal areas. Who was responsible for getting it involved? He was of the opinion that America was behind the trouble which would start soon in Balochistan too. America was also eying the mineral wealth of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. It already had military bases in Uzbekistan which was also the centre of strength of the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. The final objective of these moves would be to encircle China and cause terrorism within its territory.

Qadiani grave violated
According to Khabrain, a Qadiani Malik Feroze Din was buried in a Sunni graveyard in Karailwala in Hafizabad some time ago. The Sunni clerics had raised a hue and cry and gone to the authorities with the request that the grave be opened and the body be removed to a Qadiani graveyard. While the petitions were pending the grave was violated by unknown persons and the body was found removed.

'Maulvi Gang' caught in Hafizabad
According to Jang, a gang of dacoits [bandits] under the leadership of Maulvi Pervez was finally caught after fifteen days of terror in the city. The Maulvis would hire a motorbike then park it running in front of a shop while Maulvi Pervez with his impressive beard would point the pistol at the shopkeepers' temple. The gang made away with a lot of wealth before it was finally hunted down.
Posted by: Paul Moloney 2004-09-03