
New Zealand makes internet 'trolling' illegal
[TELEGRAPH.CO.UK] Internet trolls face up to two years' jail in New Zealand under a controversial new law which bans "harmful digital communications".

And under a parallel amendment to New Zealand's Crimes Act, a person who tells another to kill themselves faces up to three years in prison.

The law will help mitigate the harm caused by cyber-bulling and give victims a quick and effective means of redress, supporters said.

But critics said the law harms free speech and its fine print could threaten public interest journalism in the country.

Under the Harmful Digital Communications Act in effect from this week, anyone convicted of "causing harm by posting digital communication" faces two years in prison and a $50,000 (NZ) (£6,500) fine, while businesses face fines of up to $200,000 (NZ).

Posted by: Fred 2015-07-09