
KDP official: Kurdistan seeks 'amicable divorce' from Baghdad
[RUDAW.NET] The head of Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) Foreign Relations, Hemen Hawrani, told a panel in Washington Wednesday that the process of Kurdistan's independence is ongoing and that Erbil is seeking an "amicable divorce" from Baghdad, which he argued would contribute to the stability in the region.

"This[independence] is a process that is happening and it's going to happen. The referendum will be held very soon, I mean in less than two years. It will be for all Iraqi Kurdistan citizens," said Hawrami in a panel at the Middle East Institute in Washington. "Frankly speaking, Iraq is broken."

Hawrami added that Kurds will talk to Baghdad for a peaceful separation, arguing that the current system of governance in the Middle East had failed and a new system based on the socio-ethnic realities should be the premise for a new map of the region.

"The first capital we are going to talk with is Baghdad. Baghdad is important for us. We want to do it in an amicable way. We want to add to the stability of the area and Kurdistan is the anchor of stability," said Hawrami. "It's time for the world to realize that a failed system needs a review."

On the participation of Kurds in the current Iraqi government, Hawrami said that there is representation, but no power-sharing in Baghdad, citing as example the exclusive Shiite control over Iraq's Defense Ministry with marginal Kurdish and Sunni presence.

"Unfortunately, his [PM Abadi] government has not fulfilled the agreement and the promises we have agreed on and he has not fulfilled the agreements that they had with the Sunnis as well," he explained.

Posted by: Fred 2015-07-10