
Pearl trial moves to Hyderabad
A Pakistan court Tuesday moved the trial of four men charged with kidnapping and killing American reporter Daniel Pearl out of Karachi because of security fears, the prosecution said. The advocate general of the province of Sindh, Raja Qureshi, told Reuters the trial had been moved from the port city of Karachi to an anti-terrorism court in Hyderabad, some 100 miles to the northeast.
The guys making the death threats aren't going to go there?
"Curses! They moved the trial, Ahmed!"
"Raskolnikov, Mister Big! They didn't!"
"They did."
"Now what shall we do?"
"I just don't know, Ahmed. I'm so confused. They're too smart for me. They've outthought me at every turn!"
"I have it, Mister Big! We should give up our lives of crime."
"By Allah, Ahmed, you've got it! I shall buy a guitar!"
"Maybe we'll meet some chicks...?"

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-04-30