
Shedding Innocent Blood Will Not End Occupation
Khaled Almaeena, almaeena@arabnews.com
The group that murdered 12 Nepalese workers in cold blood has added another ugly page to Iraq's continuing story of agony. The so-called Ansar Al-Sunna who posted pictures of their hideous act on the Internet are nothing but plain murderers. One wonders if such a group even exists.
Obviously it exists. But you're right: it's a group of murderers...
Somehow in their demented minds the Ansar Al-Sunna believe that their actions are justified. With their twisted logic, they transformed poor helpless workers, who were mainly cooks and cleaners, into enemies of the Iraqi people. They claimed that these poor souls marched into Iraq with their mops and kettles to support the "American Crusaders."
Just think how much less likely to be armed they were than soldiers would have been. But then, if they'd attacked soldiers they probably would have been shot to shreds...
Their book says it's okay to attack the weak and run away from the strong. You could look it up.
The kidnap and murder of these impoverished breadwinners has caused all of us shock and revulsion. May their families find solace in the fact that we grieve for their loved ones.
Indecent acts by indecent men, and they learned it all in the mosque...
These barbaric acts of terrorism in which innocent people are killed should be condemned and denounced by everyone. These people who call themselves "Ansar Al-Sunna" are nothing but a band of criminals who have shamed all Muslims.
Just like Hamas has shamed all Muslims, and Basayev's army has shamed all Muslims, and Lashkar e-Taiba's shamed all Muslim, and Jemaah Islamiyah's shamed all Muslims... Seems like everybody's shaming all Muslims, doesn't it?
We ask them from where did they get the teachings to kill defenseless people?
Down at the mosque. Where'd you think? Don't you listen to the Friday sermons? Y'better, or the religious coppers'll get you...
Where is it written that prisoners should be slaughtered?
In the Koran. I just saw it quoted the other day, in fact...
Who gains from this act? Why attack the Buddhists who are a peace-loving people?
Because they're infidels...
Why infuriate a whole area of Southeast Asia that traditionally has been hospitable to us?
Because arrogance is a cultural trait?
A few years ago, when the Taleban in their twisted logic bought special Howitzers and ammunition to shoot and destroy historical Buddhist monuments I criticized them in this very newspaper. I received a lot of hate mail attacking me.
That should have been an indicator of the kind of depraved society you live in...
Not to mention a need to review his personal security arrangements.
I replied in another article that there would be reactions to such aggression and there were. Copies of the Holy Qur'an were burned in Japan. A mosque was attacked in Vietnam and Muslims in Southeast Asia bore the vengeful brunt of these reactions. Reacting to the latest killings of the Nepalese, a mosque was attacked in Katmandu.
There will be more in the future. Your jihadis are trying to stir up a holy war, and if your luck's really, really bad they will...
While the Nepalese drama was going on, there was concern for the two French journalists held captive by yet another Iraqi group. I must ask: When did kidnapping become the appropriate way for Muslims to solve international disputes?
I thought it was tradition?
Personally, I do not believe that these animals have any religious affiliation. They are plain cutthroats and murderers and as such should be hunted down and brought to absolute justice.
Personally, I believe these animals are Muslims in good standing. They're cutthroats and murderers and as such should be hunted down and brought to absolute justice. But I know damned well it won't be Arabs who're trying to hunt them down and kill them, and I know that when they are hunted down it'll be Arabs who're howling at the injustice of it all.

Posted by: Fred 2004-09-05