
Allawi blasts France as delusional
THE Iraqi interim prime minister, Iyad Allawi, has accused France of deluding itself that it was immune from terrorism because of its opposition to the war on Iraq and of taking a pacifist role in the war on terror. In an interview last week, Aragon Allawi urged European governments, including the French, not to be "half-hearted" in combating terrorism and to close ranks with his country in its battle against the "evil forces" undermining security. "No civilised country can draw back; the campaign against terrorism must be a global one, because the challenge is global," the prime minister said. "The French, like all democratic countries, cannot let themselves be satisfied with adopting a passive position . . . Governments that decide to stay on the defensive will be the next terrorist targets."
He certainly says the right things, doesn't he.
Allawi said the kidnapping of two French journalists showed that "neutrality doesn't exist". "Even though France was against the war, it will not be spared. Hiding away from confrontation is not the way . . . The French will soon have to fight against terrorists." The prime minister made his comments as France worked feverishly to secure the release of the journalists Georges Malbrunot and Christian Chesnot, kidnapped by Islamic militants 16 days ago.

On Thursday a newspaper regarded as a mouthpiece for Allawi's party, the Iraqi National Accord, said President Jaques Chirac must share responsibility for the kidnappings because he had opposed international initiatives aimed at restoring Iraq's security. A second editorial complained that France was proud not to have helped topple the regime of Saddam Hussein and had remained silent while "terrorist attacks were being carried out against the Iraqi people and infrastructure . . . Now France can't sit still. Its envoys are everywhere, including in Iraq, bleating calling on all Iraqis to intervene to free their citizens".
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-09-05