
Ex Muslim has idea for ridding the world of Islam
Basically he wants to put out Apostate friendly info by radio.

... the Muslims living in Islamic countries are really the victims. We have to let them see the light first before condemning them.

How should we do that? Well, we have to reach them first. This site [faithfreedom.org] is a good step forward in the right direction; but it is only one step. We have a journey of a thousand miles ahead of us and we have taken only the first step. We can't expect result immediately. We need to create many sites like this in languages that Muslims can understand, like Arabic, Urdu, Farsi, etc. But the majority of the Muslims do not have a phone let alone the Internet, so we need to reach them via radio and satellites. This is a more expensive project and requires public or governmental assistance [or Soros really wanted to do something useful with his bucks].

The awakening of a billion brainwashed people cannot be done by just a few people writing from their bedrooms....
Islam is a hot topic for Muslims. They will listen even though it makes them angry and they want to strangle you. But still they will listen. We have to take advantage of that interest and reach them with our message without them being able to reach us with their knives and bullets..[he compares Islam to both a house of cards and an balloon - English is not his native language and he mixes metaphors a lot].. Because Islam is based on shallow foundations of lies, Muhammad's befogged followers know that it cannot stand criticism. They want to protect this lie by eliminating all criticisms. On one hand they say you can't extinguish the light of sun by blowing at it and on the other they tremble in fear and try to slit your throat if you do blow at their belief. So deep down inside they are fully aware of the fallacy of Islam and that is why they try to protect it by eliminating its critics and opponents.

Posted by: mhw 2004-09-05