
Few Palestinians Registering to Vote
Sat Sep 4, 3:53 PM ET
By LARA SUKHTIAN, Associated Press Writer
JERUSALEM - Palestinians took a first step toward long-overdue elections by launching a voter registration drive Saturday but few turned out, saying they did not believe the process would bring real change. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, one of the first and only to register, promised general elections for a parliament and president would be held "immediately" after local elections planned for December, but he did not give a date. Few of the other 1.8 million eligible Palestinian voters heeded the call to register but they have five weeks to sign up. Across the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, registration centers were largely deserted, with many saying they had little faith in the electoral process.
But you still want all the Jews dead, right? Until you choose leaders who seek realistic coexistence with Israel, it'll just get you more of the same.
"There is no way the Palestinian government is going to have honest and fair elections," said Ghassan Tbeile, 35, a resident of the West Bank city of Nablus. "We voted last time and it didn't make a difference. Why should it this time?" There is widespread frustration with official corruption and Arafat's handling of the conflict with Israel, which has brought great hardship for ordinary Palestinians in the last four years.
And how is that hardship not deserved? The Palestinians have conducted a brutal campaign of terror against a well armed and extremely tolerant foe. Every iota of suffering the Palestinians experience is a direct result of moral abdication to their terrorist "leaders."
The last Palestinian general elections were held in January 1996. Several attempts to hold elections in recent years failed. Dates were set and deadlines passed while Arafat argued that voting would be impossible as long as Israeli troops occupied towns and cities in the West Bank.
A presence which Arafat's terror campaign absolutely guarantees. What a coincidence.
Posted by: Zenster 2004-09-05