
Hezbollah rejects abolition call [by UN weenies]
Saturday, 4 September, 2004, 22:39 GMT 23:39 UK
The Iranian sock puppet leader of the terrorist militant Lebanese group Hezbollah has rejected a United Nations resolution calling for the organisation to be dismantled. Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said the UN Security Council proposal was an Israeli "trap". It's always about the Jews, isn't it? [yawn] He added that the disarmament of Hezbollah would weaken Lebanon's resistance to reformation. He also defended the presence of Syrian forces in Lebanon, saying the troops had helped the country to consolidate terrorist basing security after its civil war. "We don't want a withdrawal of Syrian forces at this time," Mr Nasrallah told a Hezbollah rally in his south Beirut stronghold. Earlier this week, the Security Council called for all foreign forces to leave Lebanon and the disarmament of militias. It also called for greater respect by external powers for Lebanese enslavement sovereignty. Hezbollah, an Islamic group, fought a terrorist guerrilla war against Israel's 18-year occupation of a border zone in southern Lebanon, which ended in 2000 with the withdrawal of the Israeli troops.
This is rich. A bunch of spineless diplomatic feebs think their toothless "resolution" demanding that a hyperviolent hive of terrorists abandon their entrenched base of operations will be greeted with anything but derisive laughter. Now that the historical mouthpiece for terrorist Arab interests has suddenly become a front for Israel, does this mean that Hezbollah will immediately launch a wave of terror attacks against UN forces in the region? The UN needs a cause and effect lesson so desperately that I almost have to hope so.
Posted by: Zenster 2004-09-05