
Jonathan Pollard to be released November 20 following US ruling
No doubt, Quid Pro Quo for some Israeli concession for the Iran deal.
The possibility certainly will tempt PM Netanyahu to shut up about President Obama's Iran deal, lest he be blamed when the parole board decides not to release the gentleman. I'll believe it when it happens, though the media in Israel and the US are loudly trumpeting the announcement.

Commentary's Jonathan Tobin has some thoughts:
The Cynical Pollard Release Leak
I have my own thoughts. Jonathan Pollard should die in a U.S. prison cell.
Quid Pro Quo, typical Chicago politics. Paving the way for others to follow.
Apples and oranges with regards to Mr. Snowden. I suspect the Russians will eventually play the "cooperation card" and send him back when he's no longer useful.

Posted by: Hupineger Glomomp52169 2015-07-29