
Erdogan condemns Breslan atrocity
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday that he could not find any word to express situation of little kids, students and mothers in hostage taking in North Ossetia. Speaking to a private tv channel, Erdogan said that Russian President Vladimir Putin cancelled his visit to Turkey due hostage taking in North Ossetia, noting that Putin told him that he would visit Turkey as soon as possible during their phone conversation. When reminded of statements of some officials who said that terrorist acts in Russia could have connection with al-Qaeda and radical Islam terrorist organizations, Erdogan said that terrorism could not have any connection with Islam.
Then his lips fell off...
Stressing that a platform of joint fight against international terrorism could not be formed yet, Erdogan said that countries should exchange intelligence between themselves against international terrorism. Replying to a question on Russian security forces' attitude on hostage taking, Erdogan said, ''I find appropriate their attitude. Russian President's postponing of his visit to Turkey due to hostage taking is very important to boost morale and motivation.''
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-09-05