
UNSC Suggests Hizbollah Disband; Seething Ensues
via BBC
Saturday, 4 September, 2004, 22:39 GMT 23:39 UK
Hezbollah rejects abolition call
The leader of the militant Lebanese group Hezbollah has rejected a United Nations resolution calling for the organisation to be dismantled. Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said the UN Security Council proposal was an Israeli "trap". He added that the disarmament of Hezbollah would weaken Lebanon.

Here we see Nasrallah explaining shit to the gullible press, such as the UNSC is an ?Israeli Trap? and other tripe. The Alien General from Star Wars known for his ability to spot traps after they?re sprung could not be reached for confirmation.

He also defended the presence of Syrian forces in Lebanon, saying the troops had helped the country to consolidate security after its civil war. "We don?t want a withdrawal of Syrian forces at this time," Mr Nasrallah told a Hezbollah rally in his south Beirut stronghold.

Earlier this week, the Security Council called for all foreign forces to leave Lebanon and the disarmament of militias. It also called for greater respect by external powers for Lebanese sovereignty.
SyrLeb, under Hizbollah?s gracious protection, of course ignored the UNSC. The recently upgraded President-For-Life (an indeterminate term) agreed energetically with the Hisbollah seething when Nasrallah yanked on the heavy cord apparently tied around his neck.
Posted by: .com 2004-09-06