
Command Failure Seen at Fault in Beslan Massacre
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Security forces bungled the handling of Russia's worst hostage drama because nobody was in charge and special forces were not ready when the shooting started, security analysts said on Monday.
Al-Reuters has reached a new low in reporting the news. Blaming the special forces for the massacre is just f****ing unbelievable!
"It's clear that it was a total mess," leading military analyst Alexander Golts told Reuters. "They were not prepared."
Yep, they weren't prepared for the possibility that a couple dozen terrorists would grab a school, hold a few hundred children hostage, and then start murdering them all. I gotta say, I wasn't prepared either. Must all be my fault.
As the death toll from the battle that ended the siege in the North Ossetian town of Beslan rose above 330, Russia's media asked how the vaunted special forces had allowed a two-day standoff to turn into a bloodbath.
Posted by: Anonymous6134 2004-09-06