
Russia seeks extradition of London based Chechen
The Russian Foreign Ministry is to seeking the extradition of a rebel Chechen who has been granted political asylum in Britain. The ministry said Russia will take new steps seeking the extradition of people it says are linked with terrorism, including rebel representatives Akhmed Zakayev, an envoy for separatist former Chechen President Akhmad Kadyrov, who is living in London. A captured gunman from the Beslan school siege said on state TV that he was told Maskhadov was behind the attack. Zakayev today denied that Maskhadov had played any part, and alleged the gunman's TV statement had been extracted under torture. "The claims of President Maskhadov's involvement in the terrorist act are part of a well thought-out disinformation campaign, which also includes officials' statements about the presence of Arab and African fighters and foreign mercenaries among the terrorists," he said. Another target for extradition is Ilyas Akhmadov who living in the US.
Posted by: TS(vice girl) 2004-09-07