
BREAKING: Australian embassy bombed in Jakarta
The Australian embassy in Jakarta has been damaged by a powerful explosion which blew up vehicles in front of the complex, the federal government and witnesses said today. At least three people had been killed, witnesses told the Associated Press. Others had been wounded. However no Australian embassy staff had been confirmed injured, the federal government said. Four cars and the embassy's high metal fence were damaged, witnesses reported. The windows on several surrounding buildings were smashed. ElShinta radio station quoted a witness saying a police truck and a taxi in front of the Australian embassy had been blown apart and the high steel fence surrounding the building was damaged.

A Reuters reporter on the scene said there was a hole in the embassy gate and he saw some people with what looked like minor injuries leaving the complex. Other nearby buildings had been badly damaged in the blast, which could be heard kilometres away, said witnesses. One witness said a man was seen being carried on a stretcher into an ambulance. A Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade spokeswoman said it was not clear if the Australian embassy was the target of the blast. She said officials in Canberra had been in contact with staff at the embassy, who said there had been a blast in the vicinity of the embassy.

Windows at the embassy were shattered by the explosion and staff had been evacuated. "There are shattered windows, including at the Australian Embassy, and cars have been damaged, but there are no confirmed injuries," the spokeswoman said. The blast occurred about 1.30pm Australian time, she said. Witnesses reported white smoke into the air after the blast. A spokesman at national police headquarters in Jakarta said bomb squad officers were on their way to the embassy.
Pray for the victims, and hope the Aussies (not the Indonesians) catch the ones responsible.

Posted by: Lone Ranger (first) 2004-09-09