
ESPN Bounces Curt Schilling from LLWS Over Tweet Comparing Muslims To Nazis
Other than offending PC sensibilities / ESPN social media guidelines, I fail to see a problem with this.
Curt Schilling, who loves crazy-ass memes and being crazy more than anyone, is getting a slap on the wrist from ESPN after tweeting a meme with the basic premise of "Muslims = Nazis."

ESPN PR just released this statement regarding Schilling: (yesterday afternoon - ed.)

ESPN comment on Schilling: Curt's tweet was completely unacceptable, and in no way represents our company's perspective. We made that point very strongly to Curt and have removed him from his current Little League assignment pending further consideration.

It's kind of weird that he's getting kicked off of LLWS duty, yet seemingly being allowed to stay in the broadcast booth for Sunday Night Baseball. I wonder what would get him suspended from that gig. Maybe a post defending the Confederate flag?

Posted by: Raj 2015-08-26