
A little nuclear help from its friends
By Paul Vallely and Denny Haney

[WashingtonTimes] Since 1979, a cabal of nations has aided and abetted Iran in its efforts to develop a robust nuclear program under the guise of generating a nuclear energy system. This cabal is mainly comprised of Russia, China and North Korea. Since sanctions began being placed on Iran in 1979, with more added since, Iran still had enough free reign to develop its capabilities despite the sanctions regime because of this cabal. All the moving parts are in place, the material is there, and this means they are already nuclear -- "breakout" is imminent now.

During this period, North Korea had evaded sanctions, and like Iran, lied, cheated and broke virtually every agreement it ever signed with the United Nations. Now North Korea is a nuclear weapons power, and we believe Iran has already achieved the same end. Each had created hidden facilities, but only North Korea has actually tested weapons fully. Because Iran has to date only detonated trigger devices that does not mean the mullahs do not have weapons capability now -- they certainly have enough material.
Posted by: Blossom Unains5562 2015-08-28