
Indonesian Muslim groups condemn Jakarta bombing
Indonesian Muslim groups condemned Thursday's explosion outside the Australian embassy in Jakarta, which killed at least eight people and wounded almost 170. Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia,
***Coffee alert***
an organisation seeking to establish an Islamic caliphate or dominion through peaceful means, described the attack as an "extraordinary cruelty" which violated Islamic Sharia law.
There must be a sura somewhere about makin' other Moose limbs look bad...
"Islamic Sharia strictly forbids human beings to kill other human beings indiscriminately and to damage private and public properties," Hizb ut-Tahrir said in a statement.
"Of course, if you're just trying to kill infidels, well, that's, ummm...different."
The group cautioned police against pointing fingers at an Islamic group.
"Cuz then we might start to seethe, and Allan knows what might happen then..."
Police said the blast, which caused huge damage to buildings in the area and mangled the embassy's security perimeter, bore hallmarks of the al-Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiyah group, blamed for a string of deadly attacks in Indonesia. The Liberal Islam Network, a group of young Muslims campaigning for religious tolerance, called the attack a "sadistic and extraordinary crime. The use of violence cannot be tolerated whatever the pretext is," the group said.
"Certainly not!"
Din Syamsuddin, secretary general of the Indonesian Council of Ulemas (Muslim Scholars), the country's top Islamic authority, urged authorities to act swiftly to arrest the perpetrators. "The government and security agencies must resolve this thoroughly, including finding the masterminds behind this attacks," Syamsuddin was quoted by the state Antara news agency.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-09-09