
Carter was fooled says Harvard and MIT Profs
I'm using the Wall Street Journal report. Haven't found the original yet.
New evidence that Jimmy Carter got fooled [also that he is a fool] in Venezuela.
Thursday, September 9, 2004 12:01 a.m. EDT
Both the Bush Administration and former President Jimmy Carter were quick to bless the results of last month's Venezuelan recall vote, but it now looks like they were had. A statistical analysis by a pair of economists suggests that the random-sample "audit" results that the Americans trusted weren't random at all. This is no small matter. The imprimatur of Mr. Carter and his Carter Center election observers is being used by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to claim a mandate.... The new study was released this week by economists Ricardo Hausmann of Harvard and Roberto Rigobon of MIT...
Posted by: mhw 2004-09-10