
Taliban sez they can attack at will
Of course, they can be slaughtered in droves, but they don't dwell on that...A rocket attack aimed at Kabul's international airport showed the Taliban have the ability to target anywhere in Afghanistan, the group said on Friday, warning the Americans the country would become their "burial ground." Although the four rockets fell well short or wide of their target, Mullah Dadullah Akhund -- the Taliban's military commander and a member of its 10-member ruling council -- said U.S.-led forces in the country were pinned down in their bases. Mullah Dadullah told Reuters by satellite phone early on Friday that four rockets which struck a crowded residential area in the Afghan capital late on Thursday night had been aimed at the nearby airport, where U.S. forces and the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force have a strong presence. Two adults and a child were slightly wounded in the attack, which Kabul's police chief said was an attempt to disrupt Afghanistan's first direct presidential elections on Oct. 9.
I dunno if I believe him. Four rockets, missing their targets and hitting crowded residential areas in Kabul sounds more like Hek's boyz...
The Taliban also claimed on Friday that they had killed five soldiers and captured three in an attack near Tarin Kot, southwest of the capital in Uruzgan province. Governor Jan Mohammed Khan confirmed an attack on an army vehicle, but said government forces had suffered two casualties with two soldiers captured. "Ayman al-Zawahri's statement is based on reality that allied forces in Afghanistan were confined to their military camps because they were scared and afraid and they do not have the courage to fight with the Taliban and other mujahideen," Dadullah said. "Inshallah (God willing) we will make Afghanistan the burial ground for the Americans." The Taliban, who frequently exaggerate the effect of their attacks on U.S. troops, said they had also fired "many rockets" at a U.S. position in Uruzgan on Thursday night causing "a lot of damage to the Americans." Governor Khan said no one was hurt in that incident.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-09-10