
Bedside Chat #2
Kerry and Clinton Have Another Long Talk
Days after Democrat John Kerry and former President Clinton had a lengthy, late-night telephone chat to discuss campaign strategy, the two were at it again on Thursday. Only this time, politics weren't involved, says a Kerry aide.
er Mr President. . . .How did you deal with documents like this?
Well, John, I just let Hillary handle those. Remember the Rose Law firm billing records being missing and turning up mysteriously?

Kerry just wanted to check in and see how Clinton was doing as he recuperates in a New York City hospital after heart bypass surgery earlier this week, said Kerry spokesman David Wade. Before giving a speech Thursday to the National Baptist Convention, Kerry said he had spoken to Clinton and that the former president said to say, "Hello." Members of the country's largest predominantly black denomination cheered loudly at the mention of Clinton's name. Wade said the conversation between the two Democrats was brief. He described Clinton as being in good spirits and said Kerry did not ask for any political advice.
We are offering the Brooklyn Bridge on an eBay auction in order to try and pay off campaign debt.
"He only called to see how he was doing," Wade said. "They didn't talk politics." Last Saturday night, two days before the surgery, Kerry and Clinton talked by phone and Clinton reinforced that a strong campaign message can be hammered out of Bush's record on jobs, Iraq and other issues, said a Democratic official familiar with the talk. Bush has enjoyed a rise in the polls since the end of the Republican convention.
Posted by: BigEd 2004-09-10