
Expiration of Gun Ban Prompts Misleading TV Report and Ad
EFL from CNSNews.com
The Second Amendment Foundation is blasting ABC News for "distorting the facts" in a report that aired on Wednesday evening, Sept. 8. The segment opened with footage of a 1997 North Hollywood bank robbery, in which the robbers fired fully automatic weapons. The report by ABC News Correspondent Bill Redeker suggested that such firearms would be legal when the assault weapons ban expires at midnight on Sept. 13. The gun used in the bank robbery had been illegally modified, the Second Amendment Foundation said, "yet ABC News left the impression that such rifles will be available to the general public."

"ABC's research on this story was either incredibly poor or deliberately distorted," said SAF founder Alan Gottlieb. "It's the same distorted reporting we saw in 1994, prior to the ban, in which the press faked footage in an attempt to portray ammunition from these guns as explosively lethal." The Second Amendment Foundation also complained that reporter Bill Redeker highlighted certain cosmetic features affected by the 1994 legislation. He said that folding stocks make "assault rifles" more "concealable" and the flash suppressor makes it harder to spot a shooter at night.

"These cosmetic features have nothing to do with how a particular firearm functions or how lethal it might be," Gottlieb said. "That is why the 1994 ban -- which only affected the appearance of these guns, not their operation -- was nonsense to begin with.
Posted by: Super Hose 2004-09-11