
Bahrain frees two held for alleged Al Qaeda links
Bahrain on Saturday released from prison two of six Islamists held for two months, but they still face charges over alleged links to Al Qaeda, one of their lawyers said. The six were arrested in mid-July and charged with plotting to blow up government and foreign targets in pro-US Bahrain -- headquarters of the US Navy's Fifth Fleet. The raid followed US warnings of possible militant attacks on US and Western interests in Bahrain and an order for non-emergency defence personnel and their families to evacuate the Gulf Arab island state. "The two were freed without any explanations. The prosecutors still have the right to put them under arrest whenever they want," lawyer Abdullah Hashim told Reuters. "The court will hold a special session tomorrow and may order the other four released. But they will continue to face the charges," said Hashim, who represents four of the suspects.
Posted by: Fred 2004-09-12