
Clinton on Trump not challenging anti-Muslim questioner: 'I was appalled'
[CNN] Hillary Clinton
... sometimes described as For a good time at 3 a.m. call Hillary and at other times as Mrs. Bill, never as Another Bainbridge Colby ...
told news hounds on Friday that she was "appalled" that Donald Trump did not correct a questioner at one of his events who incorrectly asserted that President Barack Obama
I bowled a 129. It’s like — it was like Special Olympics, or something...
was a Moslem.

"I was appalled," Clinton said bluntly to a question from CNN's Suzanne Malveaux. "Not only was it out of bounds, it was untrue. He should have from the beginning corrected that kind of rhetoric, that level of hatefulness."
Is Mr. Trump privy to President Obama's innermost thoughts? If not, how can he possibly know what the gentleman in question believes?
Clinton said she would call on Trump, especially, and all other candidates to "stop this descent into the kind of hateful, mean spirited, divisive
...politicians call things divisive when when the other side sez something they don't like. Their own statements are never divisive, they're principled...
rhetoric that we have seen too much of."

At a Trump event in New Hampshire on Thursday, an unidentified man said, "We have a problem in this country. It's called Moslems. You know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American. ... That's my question: When can we get rid of them?"

Trump did not correct the man, responding "We're going to be looking at a lot of different things. You know, a lot of people are saying that and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening. We're going to be looking at that and many other things."

Asked what Clinton would have done in that situation, the 2016 candidate said she doubted the person who asked that question would attend her event.

"But if that person would have been at my event, I would have called him out on it," Clinton said. "And I would have said from the very beginning that has no place in a political discussion like the one we are trying to have here. And not only it is out of place and wrong, it is totally factually untrue. And to quite impugning the integrity of the President."

Clinton would not call the sentiment expressed in the question racist, but said it was "prejudice" and "discriminatory."

Asked if Trump should publicly apologize, Clinton said, "I hope he does."

Democrats have quickly jumped on Trump's failure to challenge the questioner. Clinton's fellow Democratic hopefuls -- Bernie Sanders
...The only openly Socialist member of the U.S. Senate. Sanders was Representative-for-Life from Vermont until moving to the Senate for the rest of his life in 2006, assuming the seat vacated by Jim Jeffords...
and Martin O'Malley
...former Democratic governor of Maryland and aspiring presidential candidate, known locally as The One-Man Economic Wrecking Crew. O'Malley was elected to his second term driven by union support and near-Stalinesque vote margins in Baltimore city (82%) and Prince George's County (88%). He presided over more than 40 tax or fee increases, including a rain tax and a flush tax...
-- condemned the remarks, and Rep. Keith Ellison, the first Moslem elected to Congress, said Trump showed "a complete lack of moral courage."

Posted by: Fred 2015-09-19