
Beau Geste forts to defend Iraq's borders
COALITION forces in Iraq are building a network of 350 forts along its borders in an attempt to keep out foreign terrorists and intelligence agents who they blame for inspiring the current insurgency. Work has already started on 40 of the forts, which Britain's most senior officer in Iraq, General John McColl, described as "like something out of Beau Geste".

The forts will be built along all of Iraq's borders, although senior officers admit their presence is largely symbolic and will not stop anyone determined enough to cross into the country. As well as the forts, coalition commanders are relying on the fledgling Iraqi police and armed forces to step up efforts at border control. But the Iraqi forces are still poorly paid and equipped, and lack either the means or the willingness to tackle heavily armed and committed insurgent forces. British soldiers in Iraq also believe that some Iraqi border guards turn a blind eye to foreign entrants in exchange for bribes to supplement their salaries, which are worth little more than £100 a month.

Since the collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime last year, security experts have identified Iraq's long, poorly guarded borders as one of the greatest challenges in rebuilding the country. The foreign affairs committee of the House of Commons earlier this year warned that the insurgents, including terrorists affiliated to al-Qaeda, have been able to enter Iraq from neighbouring states. The reach of foreign-backed groups even extends as far as Baghdad, where the Iranian-linked Badr Brigade is being blamed for a campaign of bombings aimed at shops selling Western music, alcohol and women's beauty products.
Posted by: tipper 2004-09-13