
N Korea says it blew up a mountain
North Korea has given its first explanation for the huge blast last week which prompted speculation that it had carried out a nuclear test. The country's foreign minister, Paek Nam-sun, said the blast was in fact the deliberate demolition of a mountain as part of a huge, hydro-electric project. His remarks came in response to a call for information by the visiting UK Foreign Office minister, Bill Rammell. North Korea had said nothing about the incident until now. After meeting with Mr Paek, Mr Rammell urged North Korea to allow a British diplomat to inspect the scene. Mr Rammell welcomed the fact that North Korea had provided an explanation. "But if they are going to be open and engage with the international community, what we really need is diplomats to be able to go to the area and confirm for themselves that that is the case," Mr Rammell said. The North Koreans have promised to consider the request, he said...

If the reports of a mushroom cloud are accurate, then this explanation is a lie. This sort of demolition should produce a much more diffuse cloud of debris (most of the energy directed into shattering the rock).
Posted by: Lux 2004-09-13