
Lies, propaganda and the real story of America and the Muslim world
[SALON] American propaganda exaggerates the power and moral depravity of the Islamic enemy, in the service of our empire
If your primary driver is hatred of the United States (and the rest of the civilized world not too far behind it) you can somehow morph Evil into something not so threatening at all.

Yeah, yeah. Whoopdy doo. It's all our fault. Tell it to the guys who don't have their heads anymore, and to the concubines that sell for the price of a pack of cigarettes.

This guy is acting like neocons are calling the shots in dealing with Islamic terrorism. They're not.

His thesis for this article is that Islamic factions are totally different from one another because of American foreign policy needs, when the obverse is the case. American interests were buttressed by the most pro American faction in a given country,Islamic or not, "progressive or not, that would aid Americans aims in a given region. Why that is less than optimum when the Soviets of the 1960s - 1980s did essentially the same thing, he doesn't and probably can never speak to.

Posted by: Fred 2015-09-27