
Sharia in Canada
EFL How Do You Solve the Problem of Sharia?
Canada grapples with the boundaries of legal multiculturalism.
By Dahlia Lithwick

Posted Friday, Sept. 10, 2004, at 2:55 PM PT

This week has seen protests around Canada [especially by females from Islamic countries] —and at Canadian Embassies worldwide—as citizens grapple with an issue that blurs the boundary between religious tolerance and oppression. The Ontario government is considering a proposal to allow certain family law matters—including divorce, custody, and inheritance—to be arbitrated by panels of Muslim clerics. Supporters of the proposal say that Canada's commitment to cultural diversity requires that Muslim law be accorded the same respect as other legal systems. Opponents say Muslim law inherently conflicts with the basic freedoms guaranteed Canadians....

The author makes the point that govt may certainly allow citizens to go to arbitrators of their own choice but govt brings trouble to itself in establishing religious courts.

Of course the protests are due to the fact that if sharia courts were established moslem women would likely be bullied into using them and bullied into accepting verdicts contrary to Canadian law.

Posted by: mhw 2004-09-13