
Zionist Forces Nab 7 Palestinians over al-Aqsa Clashes
[ALMANAR.LB] Israeli occupation forces have nabbed seven Paleostinians on charges of involvement in recent tensions at al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East al-Quds.

The abductions were made on Tuesday with Israeli officials claiming that the captives were involved in Monday's festivities when Paleostinians, they alleged, gathered inside a mosque at the site and "threw Molotov cocktails and rocks at Israeli forces outside."

The development comes amid a flare-up of tensions in and around the compound in recent weeks where Israeli forces have been violating Al-Aqsa by storming into it and causing damages and injuries to Paleostinian worshipers stationed there.

On Monday, skirmishes broke out in the holy site after the deployment of Israeli soldiers to the area for the Jewish Sukkot holiday.

Also on Sunday, festivities erupted across the compound after Israeli police stormed the holy site and fired rubber-coated steel bullets and stun grenades at Paleostinian protesters.

...back at the abandoned silver mine, the water was up to Jack's neck and still rising. And then he smelled the smoke...
more festivities were reported on Tuesday between Zionist forces and Paleostinian demonstrators protesting cross the occupied West Bank in support of the al-Aqsa Mosque.

According to Paleostinian media reports, twelve protesters sustained injuries as Israeli forces attacked a rally near Ramallah.

Israeli forces used tear gas and water cannon, as well as live fire, and rubber-coated steel bullets to disperse the protesters who were angry at Israel's restrictions on prayers in the holy site.

Dozens of youths also suffered tear gas inhalation in the city of Bethlehem as Israeli forces attacked a protest rally near Aida refugee camp.

Furthermore, in the nearby village of Tuqu, a number of schoolchildren inhaled tear gas after Israelis shot up a pro-Aqsa demonstration.

Similar skirmishes were also reported in the city of Tulkarem where Israeli forces attacked demonstrators marching to voice solidarity with the al-Aqsa Mosque.
Compare to how the same incidents are reported by The Times of Israel:
Israeli police placed in durance vile
Into the paddy wagon wit' yez!
seven Paleostinians on Tuesday over suspected involvement in violence at Jerusalem's Temple Mount the previous day.

Spokeswoman Luba Samri said the suspects were connected to Monday's riots in which Paleostinians barricaded themselves inside the al-Aqsa Mosque and then threw Molotov cocktails and rocks at officers outside during a major Jewish holiday.

Monday's unrest was the second straight day of violence at the Al-Aqsa mosque, where Paleostinians have been stockpiling rocks and other projectiles to attack Israeli troops, according to police.

It comes during the weeklong Jewish festival of Sukkot that celebrates the fall harvest and commemorates the wandering of the ancient Israelites through the desert following their exodus from Egypt. In ancient times, Jews made pilgrimages to Jerusalem on Sukkot, and many Jews are expected to visit the city throughout the holiday period.

The site remained quiet Tuesday but some violent protests broke out elsewhere. In the West Bank city of Ramallah, about 200 protesters affiliated with Paleostinian Authority President the ineffectual Mahmoud Abbas
... a graduate of the prestigious unaccredited Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow with a doctorate in Holocaust Denial...
' Fatah party marched toward an Israeli checkpoint where they attacked troops with rocks. The Israeli forces dispersed the protest with tear gas and rubber bullets, injuring five lightly.

Clashes between troops and Paleostinians took place in Bethlehem as well, and in Hebron, a Japanese tourist was injured after being hit by a rock thrown by a Paleostinian.

Another tourist was lightly injured when a taxi he was riding in was hit by a rock in East Jerusalem.

A total of 20 people, Jews and Arabs, were locked away
Drop the gat, Rocky, or you're a dead 'un!
across the city amid ongoing violence Tuesday, Haaretz reported. A Jewish teen was arrested after spraying tear gas at a Paleostinian woman who shouted "Allah Akbar" in the Moslem Quarter of the Old City, the paper reported.

The Temple Mount compound in Jerusalem's Old City is a frequent flashpoint and its fate is a core issue at the heart of the Israeli-Paleostinian conflict.
Posted by: Fred 2015-09-30