
Mods Note: “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum”
“If you want peace, prepare for war”
— Flavius Vegetius Renatus. Roman Military strategist. C. 390 A.D.

We at Rantburg, want peace. That’s why we read here to keep us informed of the happenings around the world. It’s what we do to add to the mission. We gather facts and knowledge as we prepare for war, keeping the peace.

But..... preparing for war cost money.... big money.....

And Mayor Fred needs some BIG money to keep our mission alive. It’s been awhile since we filled his coffers, and those coffers are dry (with my tracking, have probably been dry a couple of months).

Next week will see Mayor Fred having surgery (that’s all I know) – I mention it because he doesn’t need the stress of keeping Rantburg University in business. Support his recovery by helping to remove stress.

Dig deep, my fellow Rantburgers ---- this is a must bleg....

Donating is easy.... PayPal and credit cards make it easy. Scroll down, looking at the right side of the screen and find that Donate button. Just clicking will lead you to PayPal or a choice of credit cards.

Need to mail a check? Just ask in comments and a Mod will response.

However you do it... do it.....

Dig deep Rantburg. Mayor Fred needs you to keep Rantburg.com available to all of us, wanting peace by preparing for war.... Yes, Rantburg is that important.....

You’ve got your orders in this preparing for war. Go do what you know you need to do.

Oh, and you can help if in comments you encourage your Rantburgers to donate....

Posted by: Sherry 2015-10-18