
Post-Beslan pogrom watch: October 13?
Residents of Ingushetia say thousands of their fellow Ingush who live in North Ossetia have fled the region in the two weeks since the school attack, blamed on radical Islamist Chechens and Ingush. ... In our village [in North Ossetia], lots of people have sent their children and women away [to Ingushetia]. Only men remain. We have had no problems with the Ossetians so far, but we are ready to fight if we must" ...
It's too bad you're not ready to get along with your neighbors...
The two nations have clashed before and fought a brief war after the collapse of the Soviet Union over disputed land. Some 19,000 Ingush are still refugees from that conflict, their plight overshadowed by the larger number of refugees from the decade-long war further east in Chechnya. ... "The Ossetians want to take our land and be the main nation in the Caucasus. The Russians are helping them. Allah forbid that anything should start, but if it does, then we will fight." ... The end of mourning on October 13 could provide the occasion. ... "Every member of our family has a gun. I think after the mournings and the burials the Ossetians will try to do something," said Roza Seynaroyeva, 53.
Posted by: The Caucasus Nerd 2004-09-16