
Negotiations Seek End to IRA Threat
The British and Irish governments summoned rival Northern Ireland parties Thursday to a moat-encircled castle in hopes of crafting a new peace package for the British territory. But progress in the expected three-day diplomatic push at medieval Leeds Castle east of London could depend, crucially, on the actions of an organization not officially at the table: the outlawed Irish Republican Army.
How many years have they been working on this?
A Catholic-Protestant administration for Northern Ireland — the central achievement of the U.S.-brokered Good Friday peace accord of 1998 — fell apart two years ago after suffering a string of crises linked to the IRA's activities and refusal to disarm.
It's called "negotiating in bad faith."
The prime ministers of Britain and Ireland, Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern, have long agreed that any revival of power-sharing requires the IRA to disband. Both are gambling that, under their stewardship this week, negotiations with the IRA's Sinn Fein party will finally deliver that goal.
Yeah. I'm gambling that I'm gonna wake up slender and svelt tomorrow morning, with a full head of hair...

Posted by: Fred 2004-09-16