
Centcom: Precision strike in Fallujah
BAGHDAD, Iraq -- Multi-National Force-Iraq conducted a successful precision strike today on a confirmed Abu Musab Al Zarqawi terrorist site in Fallujah. Sources reported the presence of terrorists, foreign fighters, and weapons systems that were intended for use against Iraqi and Multi-National forces.
The strike occurred at about 12:30 p.m. The weapons were stored at a home in Fallujah. Foreign fighters continue to operate in and around civilian locations with total disregard for the public's safety and well being. Based on detailed intelligence and analysis, Multi-National forces effectively and accurately targeted this location while taking every measure possible to protect surrounding homes and innocent civilians. By destroying these weapons, Multi-National forces support Iraqi government efforts to rid Fallujah and Iraq of foreign fighters and terrorists while protecting Iraqi civilians.
JDAM has become a sniper weapon
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2004-09-16