
Israel accuses Iran and Syria of promoting terror
Israel's Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom has accused Iran and Syria of systematic support to the Palestinian resistance factions and the Hezbollah party of Lebanon, saying that such backing is in the form of arms supplies which are transported to these groups via Damascus. Addressing the accredited diplomatic corps members in Tel Aviv, he said: "It was unreasonable that the Syrian President Bashar Al Assad announced his readiness to resume peace talks with Israel on the one hand, while Damascus continued its support to the Palestinian terrorist organisations in order to carry out terrorist attacks against Israel." He also accused Teheran of backing the terrorist factions, saying that Iranian vessels continued unloading consignments of missiles and arms in Latakia and Damascus airport to terrorist organisations which work against Israel, such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah.
Posted by: Fred 2004-09-16