
Two Palestinians shot dead, Israeli soldier wounded in knife attack
New knife attacks on Israelis in the West Bank left a soldier lightly injured on Thursday, while two Palestinians were shot dead by security forces, police and the army said.
Knife, gun fight, you know the line...
In one incident a Palestinian stabbed and lightly wounded an Israeli border guard near a shrine known to Jews as the Cave of the Patriarchs and to Muslims as the Ibrahimi Mosque, in the volatile city of Hebron.

"A Palestinian attacked and stabbed a soldier. Security forces responded and shot the attacker. The soldier sustained light injuries," the army said.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld confirmed that the attacker, aged 24, had died.
That's generally what happens when you stab a soldier...
In the second incident a Palestinian allegedly tried to stab an Israeli soldier in Hebron, where several knife attacks have taken place in recent days.

"Moments ago forces thwarted the second attempted stabbing today in Hebron. The Palestinian assailant attempted to stab an IDF soldier at a security post," read an army statement.

Police spokeswoman Luba Samri said the attacker had been shot dead.
Good. One less stabber to worry about...
Both incidents were followed by clashes between young Palestinians and Israeli security forces.

A wave of such knife attacks and shootings has left nine Israelis dead since early October. The death of the attackers takes the number of Palestinians killed in the recent unrest to 62. One Israeli Arab attacker has also been shot dead.
Posted by: Steve White 2015-10-30