
No One Wants Palestinians
Israel and the Palestinians on Tuesday agreed on broad terms for ending a 36-day standoff at the Bethlehem church, including the deportation of 13 suspected militants, but said a few technical problems still needed to be resolved. One sticking point was where to send the deportees. Negotiators had named Italy as the destination, but a U.S. diplomatic official acknowledged that the Italians had largely been kept out of the loop. Israel later said that no country was willing to take in the Palestinians.
They were supposed to be dumped in Italy, but nobody asked the Italians if they could use some gunnies. My suggestion would be to Fedex them to Brussels. They seem to be fond of crazed Palestinian killers there. Or France. Say, maybe they could move in with the Vedrines until they get settled.
Italy said it would consider taking the 13 men if such a request were made. "There are still things to clarify: for example, in what capacity would they come to Italy?" said Italian Defense Minister Antonio Martino.
Bank robbers? Assassins? Church burners? (Lotsa churches in Italia.)
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-05-07