
Man 'with terminal cancer marries sex doll so he doesn't leave a grieving widow'
Foto of the blushing vinyl bride at the link.
[MIRROR.CO.UK] A man with terminal cancer was desperate to get married - but didn't want to leave a heartbroken widow.
He could have married a real woman and treated her like poop, but instead...
His solution? Get married to a SEX DOLL.
Good idea. That takes care of twenty minutes a day. What do you do for the remaining 23 hours and 40 minutes?
Hey, give him some credit. That's 10 times longer than it would take me.
Now his surprisingly tasteful wedding pictures have become a viral sensation in his native China.
How 'bout dat? A surprisingly tasteful bunch of pictures of a tasteless enterprise...
The Beijing man reportedly wanted to experience a fancy wedding shoot before he died, so he brought the life-like inflatable doll and got the full works - including a make up artisyand a beautiful wedding dress.
I wonder where they're going for their honeymoon?
In the pictures he is seen tenderly holding his plastic 'bride', enjoying a first dance in a ballroom and even taking part in candid shots in front of the make-up mirror.
By the end of the day she had a headache and went straight to sleep.
The 28-year-old man's name is still unknown, but Chinese netizens offered a series of bizarre explanations for the pictures, with many dismissing it as a bizarre viral marketing stunt.
No! Re-e-e-e-ally?
CCTV reported: "Some netizens recently revealed that the man is actually suffering from a deadly cancer. "In order not to hurt other people's feelings, he chose to marry an artificial doll instead of a real person."
Is he gonna leave her his money when he pegs out?
The photographer who snapped the series of pictures defended the man's unusual nuptials.
"If no real woman would come close to you, you'd do the same thing!"
She said that even if she didn’t necessarily agree with the man’s choice of marrying a doll, he still deserved to be respected as a matter of personal freedom.
"Of course it's a female doll! Whaddya think he is? Some kinda pervert?"
Posted by: Fred 2015-11-09