
Kerry's war criticism backed by U.S. Reds
Communist Party paper knocks Bush,
says Kerry represents 'hope for peace'

A year ago, as WorldNetDaily reported, the Communist Party USA decided it would not run a candidate for president in 2004, choosing instead to form a "united front" to stop the re-election of President Bush. Until recently, the party's official newspaper, People's Weekly World, focused its editorial slant on bashing Bush, rather than praising Sen. John Kerry. But with Kerry fading in some polls, the Communists appear to be pulling out all the stops — switching from just criticizing Bush to saying positive things about Kerry.

This week, the paper took particular comfort in Kerry's harsh criticism of the war in Iraq. In a front-page headline, the paper announced: "Kerry slams war costs." The lead article in the current edition of the Communist Party paper explains that the Democratic Party candidate for president "articulated the hope and the anger that workers and their families are feeling." The paper quoted Kerry in a speech in Toledo, Ohio, as saying: "And now every American is paying the price. Almost all the casualties are the sons and daughters of America. And nearly 90 percent of the cost is coming out of your pocket. The price tag so far: $200 billion and rising every day ... $200 billion we're not investing in health care 
 not investing to make sure no child is left behind ... $200 billion we're not investing in new and better jobs ... in homeland security, to protect our airports, our subways, our bridges and tunnels."

"Workers are not naive," the article concludes. "They do not expect that if Kerry wins, the war in Iraq will end Nov. 3. What they are looking for is hope for peace, a shot at a decent job, a chance for health care coverage, an opportunity to put their issues on the table in Washington, a president who tells the truth and upholds the law, and a government that reflects their moral values in reality."
Posted by: Mark Espinola 2004-09-18