
Death Smells Sweetest in the Fall (blog post)
Political history books lack the proper vocabulary adequate to describe the horrors that are about to befall the senator. Only the Book of Revelation can properly do that. It isn't even that this is going to be a massive landslide for President Bush, it won't be. I'm guessing that the final tally in the popular vote will be Bush, 52%; Kerry, 46%; Nader 2%.

The true, and quite probably final, humiliation of John Forbes Kerry is that this race should have been a cakewalk for him. As I never tire of saying, this is the most politically vulnerable president since Carter. And George Bush isn't just vulnerable on Iraq, he's venerable on virtually everything.

The most amazing thing about the Kerry candidacy, is that it was born of an air of "electability."

Posted by: mojo 2004-09-18