
Winter A Good Time To Review Challenges Ahead For Security Forces: Abdullah
Meanwhile Talibunnies are re-packing their mags
Chief Executive of the National Unity Government (NUG) Abdullah Abdullah on Monday said at a Council of Ministers (CM) meeting that winter will be a good time to review the challenges that lie ahead for security forces in the country.

Abdullah said that lessons learned this summer will help government find solutions to future challenges.

"By using lessons from this year, summer, we must use winter as an opportunity to address challenges facing security forces," he said.

In addition, Abdullah said that the Council of Ministers has decided that retired officers will be paid monthly pensions.

"The Council of Ministers decided on Monday that monthly pensions for retired officers will be paid," said Abdullah.

Meanwhile, a member of the Wolesi Jirga's Internal Security Committee also raised the issue of challenges facing security forces and said the National Unity Government needs to urgently address the issue in order to avoid a repeat of security issues the country faced this summer.

"Besides mobilizing and equipping security forces, the government must strengthen the air force with the help of the international community because as we have seen there is a serious need for a strong air force," said Iqbal Safi, an Internal Security Committee member.

The comments follow in the wake of serious security issues that the country faced this summer, including the collapse of Kunduz city to the Taliban at the end of September.
Posted by: badanov 2015-11-17