
UN warns Europe against 'backtracking' on migrant commitments
Multiple UN agencies issued a warning to European leaders who might use the tragedy to advance anti-migrant policies, stressing that many of those seeking refuge in Europe have also been the victims of extremists.
So Europe is beginning to show a little sense --a little-- but the hidebound UN is still operating as if there are no problems.

I used to advocate that the UN headquarters be moved to Tanzania. I now think the UN headquarters should be moved to Raqqa, Syria. Let the diplomats learn first hand the consequences of foolish thinking.
Of the estimated 1.1 million migrants who have landed in Europe via the Mediterranean since 2013, less than six "have raised questions in terms of possible links to extremism," said International Organization for Migration spokesman Joel Millman.

Millman noted that the IOM, which received that information from individual governments, has no evidence that any of those people were ever involved in acts of violence.

French sources have said that a passport found near the body of one of the Stade de France suicide bombers may have belonged to a Syrian -- possibly an ex-government soldier -- who registered on the Greek island of Leros on October 3. Using that information as a pretext to curb migration by vulnerable people into Europe could prove disastrous, UN representatives said.
Disastrous to whom?
"We are concerned about the reactions from some states to end programmes being put in place, backtracking from commitments made to manage the refugee crisis," said UN refugee agency (UNHCR) spokeswoman Melissa Fleming.

"Refugees should not be turned into scapegoats and must not become the secondary victims of these most tragic events," Fleming added.
Posted by: Steve White 2015-11-17