
MSM Blasts Carson for Compairng Refugees to Rabid Dogs
Notwithstanding the fact that some of them are rabid dogs, he did not compare them to rabid dogs, The media suggests he did so. I took what appear to be his words from the article. You can go to the link for all the hand-wringing and blather.
We want leaders who are not only smart but who care about other people. Now, at the same time, we must balance safety against just being a humanitarian. For instance, if there's a rabid dog running around your neighborhood, you're probably not going to assume something good about that dog and you're probably going to put your children out of the way.
Therefore, all refugees are rabid dogs. I see!
Doesn't mean that you hate all dogs by any stretch of the imagination, but you're putting your intellect into motion and you're thinking: 'How do I protect my children? At the same time, I love dogs and I'm going to call the Humane Society and hopefully they can come and take this dog away and create a safe environment once again.'
Therefore, he said the Department of Homeland Security is the Humane Society. I see!
By the same token, we have to have in place screening mechanisms that allow us to determine who the mad dogs are, quite frankly, who are the people who want to come in here and hurt us and want to destroy us. Until we know how to do that - just like it would be foolish to put your child out in the neighborhood knowing that that was going on - it is foolish for us to accept people if we cannot have the appropriate type of screening.
Obviously, the Black Republican candidate is as crazy as a loon. Go Hillary!
Posted by: Bobby 2015-11-20