
Yemen president orders speeding recruiting
Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has directed the special military commission of Yemen's national army to announce the conditions and centres of recruitments to quickly enable the popular resistance fighters to join the national army officially, the official Yemen News Agency reported.

This came during the commission's meeting chaired by the commander of the fourth governorate in Aden, Major General Ahmed Saif Al Yafei.

Brigadier Nasser Mishabbab Al Otaibi, Commander of the UAE Taskforce in the Arab Coalition Forces in Aden, attended the meeting.

During the meeting, President Hadi urged the commission members to exert more efforts in cooperation with the Yemeni military and field commanders to identify those fit for serving in the national army and the security service charged with protecting the security and stability of Yemen's liberated governorates.

The legitimate Yemeni government forces are fighting the rebel Houthi militia and forces loyal to ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh in various areas of the country.

Posted by: badanov 2015-11-28