
Paisley Attacks Bloody Sunday Inquiry
Hard-line Northern Irish Protestant leader Ian Paisley bowed to an order to appear before the Bloody Sunday inquiry Wednesday but accused the tribunal of "political discrimination" against him. The pro-British firebrand avoided a threatened contempt charge by appearing at Londonderry's Guildhall to answer questions at the judicial inquiry probing the fatal shooting of 13 Roman Catholic civil rights marchers in the city in 1972. Paisley had been called before the inquiry to explain why a counter-demonstration due to take place on the day of the fateful march had been called off. But the Democratic Unionist Party leader told the inquiry he had nothing to do with the counter-demonstration.
See, the nice thing about the death penalty is that, if the Brits had hanged Paisley in, say, 1973, they could be far along the road to dealing with an entirely different problem now. Instead they've got the same thorn in the same side.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-05-08