
Russian quizzed on car explosives beaten to death
A Russian man detained for driving a car packed with explosives was beaten to death during a police interrogation, local media quoted officials as saying on Sunday. Interfax news agency reported prosecutors had started an investigation into crimes of "exceeding professional authority" and "causing grievous bodily harm, leading to death", after a post-mortem examination showed the man had been beaten and had not suffered a heart attack, as initially reported.
Somehow, I guessed that. I don't know how. I'm surprised it's out, though...
The driver was detained early on Saturday when police found explosives in his car. He told investigators he was being paid $1,000 to take the car to a major thoroughfare used by President Vladimir Putin to travel to and from the Kremlin. Seven hours after his arrest, he died.
Posted by: Fred 2004-09-20