
Interesting Theory on Why Kerry won't sign Form 180
From here the record of John Kerry becomes unclear and the mainstream press won't demand that John Kerry sign a Department of Defense (DOD) form 180 that would release all of his military records. Records already released by his campaign are confusing. There are indications that he was honorably discharged on January 970, February1978, July 13, 1978,and even lately on March , 2001. Why the confusion on a relatively simple service event.

Could it be that John Kerry received a less than honorable discharge in the early 70's because of his anti-war activities, and then was pardoned for those activities when then President Jimmy Carter on January 21, 1978 ( Proclamation 4483) granted a full, complete, and unconditional pardon to all persons who may have committed any offense between August 4, 1964 and March 28, 1973 in violation of the Military Selective Service Act or any rule or regulation promulgated there under?

Did John Kerry request that his service be granted an honorable discharge and it was finally granted in 1978? Only a complete release of his military records will show what actually happened during this period. And to date John Kerry has refused to sign the necessary DOD form 180 which would allow this release. If the Democratic Party, the mainstream press, and the Bush critics are going to demand--as they do on almost a daily basis--that George Bush release all of his records, shouldn't they do the same for John Kerry?

Posted by: Super Hose 2004-09-21