
Shiv Sena thugs accused of roughing up Yasin Malik
JKLF chief Yasin Malik, who has been in custody for six weeks, was manhandled and subjected to verbal abuse by Shiv Sena activists when he was taken for a hospital check-up in Jammu, the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) said. "The assault on our leader can have serious repercussions," the JKLF's acting chairman, Javed Mir, said in a statement. The JKLF called a one-day strike for Friday to protest the "assault and continuing state-sponsored terrorism" in Kashmir.
Ummm... Usually I make it a point to disagree with Liberation Fronts, but in this case they're right...
The strike call has been endorsed by All Party Hurriyat Conference. But police in Jammu denied Malik had been physically attacked, saying bodyguards blocked the Shiv Sena activists who had barged into the hospital room hurling abuse.
The fact that the hospital happened to be swarming with brownshirts when Malik arrived suggests to me that the fix was in and that he probably did get thumped. If the coppers had done their job, they wouldn't have been in there. It looks to me like Shiv Sena/VHP/RSS wants to set off a first-class shootin' war, and BJP is lap-dogging it.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-05-08